Director Ho Tsz Wing
Hong Kong
Runtime 3:09
Completion Date: May 7, 2019
It is a 2D hand-drawn abstract animation using the music, "Catgot" by ISAN. The idea of the animation is to present a fountain performance in an abstract way. It highlights the beauty of the colors, composition and transformations of the objects in the scene. I inspired by those strong beats in the song which express the sound of raining, water dripping and bubble smashing. Therefore, the water droplets conduct diverse transformations in the animation. Adopting different colored hand-drawn brushstroke texture to draw the movements of water droplets in Photoshop so as to convey a colorful “fountain performance” to the audience.

Director Helena Giersz
United States
Runtime 5 min
Completion Date: May 2019
A woman, who lives in New York, receives a phone call from Eastern Europe about a death in her family. She quickly packs and flies back to where she immigrated from a long time ago. As she opens the door to her now empty family apartment, childhood memories flood back and she remembers her mother telling stories between cups of tea and how difficult it was to leave her country and all the people she loved behind. Returning back to where she once considered her home for the first time since leaving, she’s realizing that home is just a memory.
Home ?

Director Matheus von Kruger, Wagner Cinelli
Runtime 2:46
Completion Date: March 1, 2019
Pierrot, Columbine and Harlequin are the central characters of the Carnival march “Fire Musical Notes”. The plot turns on the idea of swapping guns for musical instruments, which fire off notes instead of bullets. It’s the musical adaptation of the “make love, not war.” This animated video clip celebrates this creative inversion with beautiful drawings, humor, color and joy.
Fire Musical Notes

Director Chenxin Yang
Runtime 4 min
Completion Date: Nov 2018
An animated short describes the remembrance of a beloved one. The story is about a man desperately trying to recreate his late wife’s dish.

Director Ashley Gerst
United States
Runtime 15:25
Completion Date: January 13, 2019
The Spirit Seam is a short animated film about a little girl, Pollywog, and her Pap-Paw. Located in an Appalachain coal-mining town in the 1950s, the film takes the audience through the daily life of both characters. At the start of the film, the characters eat breakfast together and then travel to their respective locations- Pollywog is dropped off at school, and Pap-Paw clocks into work at the Hiraethsburg coal mine. Throughout the film they experience the simple pleasures of rural Appalachian life: catching fireflies, fishing, catching frogs, and birthdays.
The Spirit Seam

Director Joe Chang
Runtime 11:29
Completion Date: November 28, 2018
The Great Chinese Cultural Revolution was a political campaign in China launched and led by Mao Zedong from 1966 to 1976. Nearly ten million people, including outstanding scientists, artists, intellectuals and ordinary people, died during these "Ten Years of Turnmoil" or "Ten Years of Holocaust."
The Music Box

Director Delia Hess
Runtime 8:41
Completion Date: July 31, 2018
On a small planet, caught up in their own little private universe, the inhabitants perform their poetically surreal actions, which repeat themselves in an endless loop. That they are all part of a complex little ecosystem which can only function if each of them plays his or her role, is something they are unaware of.