Director Thea Elisabeth Haavet
Runtime 19:33
Completion Date: March 29, 2019
Andy and his mother tries to flee from North Korea, but the escape plan goes desperately wrong. After crossing the border safely, their guide does not show up as agreed, and they are stuck in the hillsides in China in minus thirty degrees weather. After three days without food or water, they are suffering from severe frostbite and almost freezing to death.
Saved - Escape from Kim´s regime

Director Ellen Ratner
United States
Runtime 47:11
Completion Date: April 15, 2019
Elena follows the extraordinary life and
groundbreaking career of Dr. Elena Boder
"Overcoming hardship, tragedy, and discrimination, Elena Boder embarked on a groundbreaking career as a doctor, researcher, and teacher. Now her story is being told in the new documentary, Elena."
"Elena follows Dr. Boder from her birth in early 20th century Russia, to her work researching dyslexia and being one of the two doctors to identify the neurological disorder Atatxia-Telangiectasia. In between, the film hears from those who knew Dr. Boder best, featuring interviews with her friends, family, and colleagues."
Elena - The Elena Boder Story

Director In-Soo Radstake
Runtime 55:43
Completion Date: November 1, 2016
A documentary about the impact of the Second World War on the descendants of survivors of the Holocaust in The Netherlands.
The impact of the Second World War can still be felt in 2016 and probably long afterwards. This certainly applies to the descendants of well-known journalist and writer Eli Asser (93) and his late wife Eva Croiset. Immense grief over lost family members, and a box of old family photos and personal documents lead to emotional confrontations between this family. Journalist Frenk van der Linden and director In-Soo Radstake try to unravel a major, personal and historical drama.
Echoes of War

Director Eric Gordon
United States
Runtime 01:17:24
Completion Date: May 11, 2019
When All That’s Left is Love is the emotionally gripping story of a wife’s determination to care for her Alzheimer’s-stricken husband in their home. With unprecedented, behind-the-scenes access, the film reveals the toll that the disease takes on families coping with Alzheimer's, while also showcasing the power of love that sustains both patients and caregivers.
When All That's Left is Love

Runtime 95:00
Completion Date: 2018 - May
KOMPONISTINNEN In Germany and France, women and men have been on an equal footing for about 70years - on paper. However, this notion of equality is not reflected in the concert canon of the so-called"serious" music. The oeuvre of the great male composers is held in such high esteem that women composersappear as marginal notes at most. When Leipzig pianist Kyra Steckeweh realised that her repertoire almostexclusively consisted of music composed by men, she began searching for pieces written by femalecomposers. Her research in archives, libraries, and publishing houses quickly brought to light a variety ofremarkable piano pieces that have been buried in history and rarely performed. Steckeweh sees a lot ofcatching up to do, which is why the focus of her piano recitals has since shifted to the music of womencomposers. In addition to the in-depth examination of the music, Steckeweh, as a pianist and historian,seeked to look "behind the notes": How did these women live? What barriers did they have to overcome andhow did they manage to cope with the obstacles of their time? That gave the initial impetus for the film“Women Composers.“ Together with Berlin filmmaker Tim van Beveren, Steckeweh commenced a quest forinformation which led them to France, Italy, Poland, and Germany. During their expert interviews, the filmteam manages to not only elicit noteworthy aspects of the composers’ lives and works but also discusses towhich extent the legacy of the composers has been preserved and why their music is performed so rarely.The reasons that made it difficult for women composers of the past to thrive in their profession are apparent:Women were not considered equal to men, neither legally nor socially, and attracted public attention only inexceptional cases. All the more astonishing is the strong will of women like Mel Bonis, Lili Boulanger, FannyHensel, and Emilie Mayer to enforce their musical influence and to compose and disseminate their work evenunder the most challenging circumstances. One can certainly say that, although these women’s lives werequite different from one another, all of them were privileged in their own ways

Runtime 80:00
Completion Date: 2018 - November
A young shepherd tries to escape from the hard and flat everyday life that grips him, facing life with irony andputting himself at stake in all possible ways. A docu-film featuring a shepherd, but he does not talk aboutsheep!

South Africa
Runtime 82:00
Completion Date: 2017 - January
12.000 lions live in South Africa. However, 8.000 of them live in captivity behind bars, in breeding farms. Theyare part of a cruel industry reducing the king of the beast to a product used as tourist attraction for cub pettingand for the purpose of a so-called canned hunt. International thrillseekers buy these lions in the internet toshoot them in a guaranteed hunt, the animals cannot escape, because they face their enemies in anenclosure. ?It is pure greed.? ?These people have no soul!? ?We all have to stop them by creating awarenesswhat is happening here in South Africa day by day? says conservati- onist and creator of the BLOODLIONSTM Campaign Ian Michler. Independant lmmaker Andreas Knuffmann and his crew managed to getinsights with hidden cameras. Furthermore the lm shows the dedication and passion of the team atLIONSROCK, a sanctuary for big cats, created by the international animal welfare orga- nization FOURPAWS. 108 big cats found a new home at a unique sanctuary. After the takeover 10 years ago the formerbreeding farm became a role model for animal welfare. At least a happy end for a place like LIONSROCK

United States
Runtime 4 min
Completion Date: 2015 - January
MOTH VITALS is a short doc about two extraordinary cases seen by RI Department of EnvironmentalManagement Veterinarian Dr. Peter Belinsky. His reflections on the requests made by long time clients whoshare an extraordinary reverence for life ask all of us to make no distinction between higher and lowerorganisms; to extend our circle of compassion to all living things and to fully embrace the mystery that is life.My decision to make MOTH VITALS grew out of my 30 year relationship with Dr. Peter Belinsky. During thattime he has shared many stories of heartbreak and abuse involving companion animals and those held incaptivity. Together we have witnessed the plight of diverse species and have treated a variety of animals inhomes, zoos and on the sea yet it is the memory of two very special clients that has lingered longest.

Runtime 52 min
Completion Date: 2018 - October
About three billions tons of chemical and conventionnal warfare lay in the bottom of the North and Baltic sea.These silent witnesses of both World Wars have become a true treat for the environment. How and why werethese weapons dumped in the sea and is this massive propagation of highly toxic products evitable ; TheDirector takes us to Bornholm (Germany), to the Skarregak Straight (between Finland and Denmark), to theFrench North sea and Channel coasts, to the South of England, to Knokke Heist (Belgium), The Netherlandsand Denmark. He dives to witness, bring testimony and defend the cause of our seas’s survival

Director Daniel Marenco
Runtime 29 min
Completion Date: May 2018
CONTRAMARÉ is a documentary about people overcoming difficulties in a favela located in the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro through music. In Maré, where the sound of shooting is part of the routine, the Maré do Amanhã Orchestra teaches classical music, transforming the perspectives of young people. This story has protagonists children and teenagers who are discovering new ways of life with the support of musical score and instruments.

Director Natalia Regás
Runtime 52 min
Completion Date: Apr 2019
Moved by the closure of a cinema, a young director decides to investigate if the theaters of Barcelona have their days numbered.
During the five years of the documentary's shooting, she will enter the closed world of the Catalan exhibition, watch the transformation of this art and business and live unrepeatable experiences in the bowels of many cinemas.
Cinema mon amour

Director Nofar Niran
Runtime 33 min
Completion Date: Jul 2016
Shusha Onyema is dealing with a rare type of cancer. The struggle with the disease brought a resurfacing of her passion for music, an old love which she abandoned for the sake of raising a family.
A cappella

Director Arsalan Baraheni
Runtime 01:14:00
Completion Date: January 3, 2016
The trilogy is poetic, mystical, biographical and musical, colliding with political, social, psychological, and philosophical manifestations about three of the most important Iranian artists who were forced into exile after the Iranian revolution. The story of a well known musician, a famous painter and a legendary poet are included in Exilic Trilogy in three chapters. The film is shot in Toronto by an exiled Iranian-Canadian filmmaker.
First episode is called Light and Sound.
Second episode is called Frame and Wall.
Third episode is called Alchemy and Dust.
Exilic Trilogy

Director Valentina Ippolito
Runtime 11:32
Completion Date: July 23, 2016
Set in the thickly forested mountains of Guizhou Province among the wooden houses of the Miao people of Basha village, The Last Chinese Warriors is an episodic short film exploring the gendering of Miao warrior culture throughout the circle of life, as seen through the outsider lens of a female European filmmaker. The film represents Miao men as caregivers and pillars of strength in their society. Beginning with the end of life, the film deconstructs the male Miao journey into five distinct phases: death, senescence, adulthood, youth, and birth. Drawing on symbols representing aspects of these five life stages, including trees, shotguns, the topknots on the men’s heads, and the shaving ceremony, the film progressively reveals Basha’s cultural traditions and male roles in the village and at home.
The Last Warriors

Director Jeremy Jung
United States
Runtime 11:21
Completion Date: December 2, 2018
A short documentary that explores the stigmas of today's Electronic Dance Music culture.
Generation EDM: The Stigmas of Today's EDM Culture

Director Guo Qiang
Runtime 28:00
Completion Date: March 15, 2019
A fire broke out in a building in Xinjian villageâ…¡, xihongmen town, Daxing district, Beijing, nov 18, 2017. The accident resulted in 19 deaths, eight injuries and heavy economic losses.Subsequently, the government entered the stage of demolition.
After The Disaster

Director ann holmgren
Runtime 14 min
Completion Date: Jan 2019
A blind woman wants to be seen. Brutal, painful, and beautiful about our perspective and societal norms. Ann Holmgren shoots a visual punch-in-the-face where the camera comes so close you can catch a whiff of an accursed life.

Director tobias bechtloff
Runtime 1 hr 38 min
Completion Date: Feb 2018
No More Things does not solve all the lingering questions of the mystery that is surrounding the bizarre phenomena of shoetrees nor tries to provide answers about the fascination of shoes.
No More Things is a documentary about love, hate and the desert.
It is a film about the phenomena of shoetrees, trees with shoes thrown all over them. It is a film about the people that were met next to these trees during a journey from shoetree to shoetree which began in the summer of 2011.

Director Magali Magne
Runtime 52 min
Completion Date: Mar 2019
Vienna, 1936. Robert Bernas buys an Eumig 8mm hand-held camera, initially to film his newborn son. In fact, his films reveal the life of a Jewish Franco-Austrian family in the midst of world-scale events such as the Anschluss; it shows the family flight from Vienna to Paris and then on to the USA,
Filmed diary of an exile

Director Ruth Geva
Runtime 1 hr 44 min
Completion Date: Oct 2018
We were a group of children, growing up in Jerusalem, in the 40s of last century, during the British Mandate in Palestine. Soon after the UN decision to separate the two populations living side-by-side, the 1948 War breaks out. Our neighborhood, adjacent to an Arab one, experiences intense sniping and bombings. We especially recall living through the months of siege on the city, with scarcity of water and food. Now, seventy years later, we recollect our adventures with humor as well as with pain, remembering the personal tragedies we underwent. We find our parents' home-movies, photos, dairies and letters during the making of the film; these, document their daily activity, feelings and thoughts, which they hid from us. Will these provide us now with closure to the pain and suffering which we experienced?
Gathering Fragments

Director Erich Schmid
Runtime 1 hr 36 min
Completion Date: Sep 2016
Klaus Rózsa, a politically active photographer, lived in Zurich for decades as a stateless individual. All of his applications for naturalisation were refused on political grounds. In 1956 he fled Hungary, growing up in Switzerland with a Jewish father who had survived Auschwitz. Due to the extreme proximity of such a fate, the camera led him close to places where injustice was done. It was this particular quality of his camerawork that proved fateful for him. State Security writes: By recording police abuse, he interfered with the work of the police. An extraordinary biopic about the political movements in the last decades.
Stateless Klaus Rozsa, Photographer

Director Hubertus Hoffmann
Runtime 1 hr 25 min
Completion Date: Jul 2018
LOVE IS TOLERANCE – TOLERANCE IS LOVE – Make Tolerance Great Again! is a global search for the Champions of Tolerance and how we can make tolerance great again to contain all extremists. Describing the value of diversity and respect towards social minorities and other religions. Including statements from The Dalai Lama, Malala, Yusuf Islam, Ehud Barak and young people.

Director Krishand RK
Runtime 15 min
Completion Date: Dec 2018
A brief look at the Human rights violation related to the construction of the Sardar Sarovar dam across Narmada

Director Philip Harder
Runtime 1 hr 18 min
Completion Date: Oct 2018
At age 96 Al Milgrom a life long film fanatic, professor and entrepreneur has been working over 60 years filming around world at times and places that were restricted to the public.
A Work in Progress: Albert Milgrom's Cinema Journey
Director Fernando Romero Forsthuber
Runtime 01:30:00
Completion Date: November 1, 2017
JOWAN SAFADI, born as Palestinian in the State of Israel, is a famous musician and a true free spirit. With his band Fish Samak he delivers songs ranging from the political and social to the emotional and philosophical and gathered a huge fan-community in the Arabic world. Jowan is unafraid to speak his mind or tackle taboo subjects, and his lyrics, at once penetrating and witty, have also courted controversy on several occasions: Previously investigated by Israeli police for “inciting terrorism”, his last tour to Jordan ended with his arrest and an overnight stay in a Jordanian prison cell.
Namrud (Troublemaker)

Director Igor Runov
Russian Federation
Runtime 39:50
Completion Date: January 27, 2019
“Big Lies” concept was coined by Adolf Hitler as a propaganda weapon in his famous “Mein Kampf” but was first used by Joseph Stalin to cover up massive man-made hunger in the Soviet Union in the early 30s. The main character is an American writer who travels to Russia these days. She meets the last survivors of Holodomor. Soon she understands that the war of Russian peasantry, started by Bolsheviks 100 years ago, isn’t over yet. She also uncovers many controversial facts about the role played by American media and business in the early ’30s in Soviet Russia. Even more staggering – she starts to understand the connection between those events and current domination of fake news and total mistrust on today’s post-truth world.
Big Lies

Director Mirka Anderson
United Kingdom
Runtime 24:54
Completion Date: October 4, 2017
The film, produced by the mother, is about the life of her 33 yrs old daughter Emma who has Down's Syndrome.
Despite all social, physical and psychological adversities she is a symbol of success as a prolific artist and emanates positive energy with calm, humour and affection. She is a genuine star !
the sky is the limit

Director Gino Ceriachi
Runtime 01:32:29
Completion Date: January 14, 2019
This is not the Marche of Raphael, Rossini and Leopardi; perhaps the only local names to have crossed national borders in the territory’s three-thousand-year history. This is the Marche of tiny theatres, built in small, obscure locations. It is said that there are almost 100 playhouses in Marche. A theatre in every town is a consequence of the quest for municipal autonomy, but is, paradoxically, a key factor in uniting the region.

Director Eduardo Feller
Runtime 01:15:00
Completion Date: August 20, 2018
Sara Rus opens her photo album and begins to tell anecdotes, dreams, memories and songs from her childhood, her experience as a Shoah survivor.
Among those photos taken in Germany in 1947 her granddaughter Paula finds one where her grandmother wears a white scarf, like the one used by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo. The connections between the past and the present emerge and give rise to new stories and questions.
From those questions Paula asks herself, where does memory reside? Is it in the objects, in the testimonies, in the documents? What should we do with the memories and experiences of others?
What is the precise distance to the past?
Memory and Beyond

Director Eli Gershzon
Runtime 01:23:30
Completion Date: August 29, 2018
The film "The Last Sunday of August" is based on unedited documents, eyewitnesses and local resident testimonies. The film was able to create a document revealing the truth of the actions in Moletai, Lithuania, in August 1941. It reconstructs step by step the actual occurrences.
The film changes the reality.
After the re-creation of the events of August 29, 1941, we decided to march in the footsteps of the murdered Jewish population of Moletai, along the same path.
Will the local Lithuanian population march with us, or will they stand on the sidelines as they did on August 29, 1941?
The Last Sunday of August

Director Kamil Majchrzak
Runtime 60:00
Completion Date: December 31, 2018
The politics of remembrance currently face many challenges. While the last survivors of the Holocaust are passing away, anti-Semitism and Anti-gypsyism are experiencing a resurgence in many European countries. Future generations will have to confront the question of how the unprecedented history and legacy of the Shoah and the Holocaust against the Sinti and Roma can be preserved for future generations and remembered for all time.
Contemporary Past
Director Jaime Barrenechea
United States
Runtime 13:00
Completion Date: September 2, 2018
A troubled old actress finds shelter for the night in a peculiar and remote B&B where the owners are in a tight financial situation escaping from the city laws.
(You're) The Devil in Disguise

Director Ben Lawrie
United Kingdom
Runtime 56:34
Completion Date: September 10, 2018
The story of how traditional British car maker Jaguar made its first electric car.
With exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to Jaguar’s state-of-the-art engineering laboratories and top-secret design studios, Going Electric shows what it takes to make a sophisticated new car and provides an intriguing, inside view of one of the world’s most iconic companies as it grapples with the future.
Jaguar: Going Electric

Director Natasha Markov-Riss
United States
Runtime 21:36
Completion Date: September 22, 2018
After a study trip to Israel/Palestine with their professor, two American Jewish college students return to the region to revisit some of the stories they heard. The students, Natasha and Ben, focus on the separation wall between Israel and Palestine, exploring how physical and ideological separation reinforce each other — as well as where Israeli and Palestinian realities converge.

Director Oliver Kyr
Runtime 01:26:00
Completion Date: November 15, 2018
An adventurous journey into the very heart of plants & trees.
The Pegasus family travelled 6 months across Central America (and a brief interview stopover in Europe) to learn.
Root Republic

Director Tamara Sushko
Runtime 44 min
Completion Date: Nov 2015
Kirsten Basma was born in Norway in Kirkines before Second World War 2
The 2 familyes decided to to escape from the Germans to Russia in 1942. Apples were painted in the room and was kept in their imagination and helped to forget the hunger.
Apples on the wall

Director Gülseren Sengezer
Runtime 1 hr 30 min
Completion Date: Sep 2018
The film recounts the fate of four survivors of Jewish origin who were sent on their own by their parents to Sweden during the Third Reich, with the so-called “Kindertransports”, in order to save them from the Nazi terror – and experienced a trauma which exists even today, with feelings of loss, loneliness, uprooting and a sense of guilt.
Kindertransports to Sweden

Director Carlos Armella
Runtime 1 hr 33 min 24 sec
Completion Date: Oct 2018
Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca, is a town that has been affected by poverty and migration. However, the creation of its first library, an emergent mezcal industry and a group of teen musicians are some examples of the wind of change blowing in the community.

Director Julio Alves
Runtime 55 min
Completion Date: Oct 2018
I find myself in the middle of a Portuguese forest. A set of abandoned objects related to the attraction’s fairs make me think of a schoolmate who wanted to be a ballet dancer. Bumper Cars and a rabbit I found in the forest sparked memories of the visits I made to the Fairs. Then I became a memories collector in contact with these objects. David, Empar, Manuel and Zé join me in this film.